Nuffnang Ads

Dec 20, 2008

What u 1 ain't what U will Get

Sometimes in life, happy times might happened.
Sometimes in life, sad times might happened.
Sometimes in life, weird times might surfaced.
Sometimes in life, challenging times might occured.
Happy times don't often struck you.
Sad times might hit you at the speed of light.
Weird times comes unexpectedly.
Challenging times comes when the times come.
When you are looking for a happy time you might end up being sad.
When you are sad, you might end up feeling happy.
Life is happy
Life is sad
Life is weird
Life is challenging
In life, you will not always get what you 1 !!!
It's up to us to maintain d happy =D mood.
It's up to us to change the mood from sad to happy

It's up to us to 'slice' weird-ness into normality
It's up to us to fight challenging time and cut it into pieaces of 'easy meat'!!!

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