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Mar 10, 2010

Story 0f 'Banana'

The story begins in a tiny city of 'Malaka'
in d small town of Bandar Hilir
where a banana(wasabi) lives...

with a mission to locate a book
d mystery bo0k nyoknyok craves...

but his plan suffered some difficulties
banana got to stay in 0ffice; longer than expected
as the clocks ticked away precious moments, seconds by minutes by hours
but LUCK is on his side, granted the GREEN LIGHT
off he went to his desired DESTINATION

once there, he kept searchin'
aided by his trusted 'compass'
(pics taken & stored in his ever-green SE K800i hp)

there he saw it..

0ff he went to pay
the cashier keep persisting HIM to apply for the CARD
because can get 20% discount
but he told her NO, NO, Nooooooo!!!

that night....
HE drived nyoknyok in...
she was piSsed-0ff
then banana passed her the gift
she don1 to accept it...
said it was still early....
but at last she also t0ok it...
& z0OOOoooomm off she went...

& the Day draws to a close!!!
& this is where the little sh0rt story of BaNana evolved....


wish0311 said...

Arigatou gozaimasu.

so lucky for u to find it

but baby leave the price there


Kev!N said...

wat skill...