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Jan 4, 2010

Special One

Someone other than your family.

Some1 who are willing to share your joy and misery. SOme1 who forgives you even when you hurt her. SOme1 who cares for you, some1 when she's not around makes you want to see her evermore, some1 that makes you miss her so deeply when you are far apart. SOme1 you trust, that you are willing to share every single story and secret with. Some1 who worry for you when you are facing problems. Some1 who goes through the problems and solves them 2gather with you. Some1 you want to meet & share the good news once you have one; some1 who are willing to listen to every single craps from you. Some1 who loves you and request nothing in return, just hoping to be loved and care. Some1 who you just can't describe in words nor sentences, some1 you just have to feel...

What's your descriptions of a special one?
Have you found that some1?
I am proud to say, I have found that some1 special.....

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